With the introduction of #TomorrowMatters, House of Hiranandani sets five-year sustainability objectives.
By Kajal Sharma - 29 Jul 2024 11:03 PM
The #TomorrowMatters campaign seeks to plant 25,000 trees, recycle 18,000 kg of plastic, turn wet waste into 3.4 million kg of organic manure, produce 70 million kWh of solar energy, provide 100% EV charging, and empower 100,000 people with ecological practices in order to create a more sustainable future.Mumbai: To tackle the environment issue cooperatively, House of Hiranandani launches the #TomorrowMatters initiative. This five-year project aims to make significant changes in a variety of environmental factors.
The IPCC stresses that in order to prevent serious effects like extreme heat, rising sea levels, the loss of coral reefs, and dangers to ecosystems and human populations, the rise in global temperature must be kept under 1.5C. Accelerated warming could cause these alterations to become irreversible.In order to lessen the effects of climate change and protect the environment for coming generations, TomorrowMatters encourages behavioral and lifestyle changes in local communities.