Auto & Transportation

Unhappy passengers deal with a rapidly shrinking PMPML bus fleet

Unhappy passengers deal with a rapidly shrinking PMPML bus fleet

By Kajal Agarwal - 20 Aug 2024 06:19 PM

Two of the seven PMPML contractors ceased operations last month, which resulted in the withdrawal of about 233 buses from passenger service.Bus riders in Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML) have been dealing with a serious issue for the past few months due to a considerable decrease in the number of buses. For example, almost 200 buses have ceased operations due to the driver exceeding the age of twelve.

The PMPML is introducing fewer buses into its fleet every day due to a variety of causes, including breakdowns, the retirement of older buses, and the expiration of bus contracts. However, the firms are not responding to this process."Even though most of August passed, the tender process for the purchase of buses, which started in February, did not get a good response," a top PMPML official stated on condition of anonymity. The Punekars' lifeline, PMPML, appears to be on ventilator.



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