How corporations and startups may work together most effectively on airport innovation

By Kajal Sharma - 11 Feb 2025 10:31 PM
While startups provide the newest ideas to large corporations, corporations might offer startups some of their first major contracts. Startups are able to think creatively and with agility that many corporates can only imagine. Conversely, corporations possess the size and influence that startups crave.Startups are able to think creatively and with agility that many corporates can only imagine. Conversely, corporations possess the size and influence that startups crave. This is why working together has so many advantages for both parties: startups give these large corporations the newest technology, and corporations can give startups some of their first major contracts.
We discussed what it takes to establish the ideal partnership between corporations, investors, and entrepreneurs with a panel of influential representatives from a startup and an international airport operator at the Airport Innovation Days in Paris. The people who spoke to us were:Groupe ADP, one of the largest airport operators globally, has Maylis de la Loge as its investment director. Groupe ADP's innovation project manager, Louis Gauthier Cofounder and CEO of WeMaintain, an IoT-enabled maintenance management firm, is Jade Francine.