Third UN Conference Consultative Meeting on LLDCs

By Kajal Sharma - 03 Feb 2024 12:39 PM
The Consultative Meeting on the Third Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) will provide a forum for informal discussions on the main objectives, potential results, and deliverables of the third UN Conference on LLDCs (LLDC3) between the Permanent Representatives of the LLDCs, transit nations, Friends of LLDCs, and a chosen group of experts. Interactive thematic sessions on the following subjects will be included in the meeting:utilizing regional integration, trade facilitation, and trade's revolutionary potential for LLDCs' sustainable development; LLDCs can become more competitive in the regional and international trading system by fostering an unrestricted transit system and deepening robust connectivity. LLDCs can also become more resilient and capable of adapting to the deteriorating effects of climate change. coordinating the use of both internal and external resources and promoting technology access to ensure that the SDGs and the New Programme of Action for LLDCs are implemented successfully.The consultative meeting is being organized by the Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Counties (LDCs), LLDCs, and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (UN-OHRLLS), which will also be creating a summary of the areas of convergence that emerge from the working sessions.The Consultative Meeting's primary goal is to facilitate a casual discussion on the main priorities, potential outcomes, and deliverables of the LLDC3 among the Permanent Representatives of the LLDCs, transit nations, Friends of LLDCs, and a few chosen experts.